Thursday, August 15, 2013

Fuzzy Socks

Our lives are made up by a series of moments, some are more memorable in our minds. We can tell you down to the exact second where we were, what we were doing, and how this moment effected us. It is not so much these moments that define us, it is how we react to them.

Lately my life seems like a roller coaster and then I went into auto pilot mode, because after a while it just seamed surreal. Its been Surgery, surgery, deployment, surgery... and then the FOG.

 My second surgery was to finish the first surgery,  but it was in this time that I learned that my love was deploying, he came in and sat on the bed, and said.. "well you get to be rid of me for 9 months"" I was like WAIT! WHAT? I don't want to be rid of you for 9 months. *sigh* He waited so long to tell me, he said he didn't want me to worry, The C word had given me enough to worry about.  He always shows great care for me in that way.  My latest surgery was last Monday, he called before, emailed me after, and then when I was awake enough to talk, he called. Those are the moments I remember about that day.  I remember my step-son Jr, coming and and checking on me several times, he made me breakfast and lunch,and when I burned dinner he ate it without complaining. I remember my sister calling, and being motherly all the way from Texas and laughing with me when I realized I still had 2 boobs.  I choose to focus on the those moments, the warm fuzzy moments,  the moments that build, not the moments that rip you apart, because when you are at your lowest point, (and anyone who has ever had the C word, or has been through a deployment or a hard time... can tell you.. its those moments you choose to remember after all... on a cold night, its the warm fuzzy socks that make it better :)

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